Why risk the loss of income which could cause financial difficulty? Could you be missing the essential elements the majority of successful businesses use to safeguard their finances?
The bad news is, your late payers are using your money while you may be suffering from cash flow problems. Let me help you create simple policies that your staff is empowered to use when quoting and accepting a new customer.
I can show you how to make your Terms and Conditions clear, by writing them in plain English, easily understood by you and your customers, including a well-defined dispute resolution processes.
Let’s include clauses that put the cost of Debt Collection back on to the customer if they fail to pay.
If you want to know the truth about how to prevent debts, the secret is in the use of proven strategies that many of our clients, and we, have used to improve our businesses.
To move to the next level of professionalism implement your debt prevention strategy. Simply fill out the purchase form for the Credit Management Toolbox now, and start managing your business the way other successful businesses do.
Take advantage of a free 30 Minute consultation. We will go through the system and help you determine if it is right for you.